Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Last week in a strange combination of procrastination (because I had planned on this for a while) and spontaneity (because I woke up that morning and decided today was the day) I cut most of my hair off. You can see the picture below:

Yes, that's me holding the majority of my ponytail in my hand. The sad thing is the thickness is only about 1/3 of how thick my hair really is. I asked the hairdresser, since I was cutting off the majority of my length, if we could donate my hair to Locks of Love. Since I had lots and lots of layers, only the back third was actually long enough to donate. She swept the forward two thirds in front and cut those later. My first reaction when she gave me that chunk to hold was, Man, I feel you just amputated a part of me, followed swiftly by, Ewwww, I feel like I'm holding a dead animal. But, if you ever get the chance to do it, I'd strongly consider donating your hair if it's long enough. It was kind of a neat cause to support. My hair is still barely long enough to pull back into a nub of a ponytail, but it's definitely weird to have most of it gone. How long do you think it'll take to grow back again? Several more years?

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